Science Library

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The Museum’s Science Library houses reference collections with over 10,000 volumes including rare publications.

The Science Library is a special library located within the Natural History Museum of Jamaica. It is mandated to stimulate an interest in science. The Science Library houses a reference collection of over 10,000 titles including rare publications, on Jamaica’s flora and fauna. There is also an audio-visual facility. The Library is open to the general public; the facilities are often used by visiting researchers, students of secondary and tertiary institutions, and professional staff members of the Natural History Museum of Jamaica.


The Legislative Council in the early 19th century accumulated a collection of science books, particularly botanical books.

In 1879, when the Institute of Jamaica was established, the Legislative Council, reckoning the institution as the appropriate body for such holdings donated the collection to them. Since then, the library has grown with personal writings and contributions of the NHMJ research and scientific staff, as well as through the donations and select purchase of key biodiversity publications and is an integral part of the functions and activities of the NHMJ, being as it is one of the main information dissemination centres for the Division.


The Science Library is an integral part of the functions and activities of the Natural History Museum of Jamaica, being as it is one of the main information dissemination services for the division.

The main aims and objectives of the Science Library are:
• Provide a wide array of resource materials on the natural history of Jamaica.
• Provide scope to the biodiversity issues.
• Maintain an effective and efficient collection of resource materials on the flora and fauna of Jamaica.
• Reflect past and current areas of biodiversity research in its collection.

Location & Hours

You can visit us at:
10-16 East Street

The opening hours are: Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Library is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

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